Our second year is so far, a repeat of our first. The weather is cool and often wet, a distant typhoon causing high winds a few nights ago kept me awake, while Allan's even breathing meant he was in dreamland. The Mikoshi Parade on the 19th, annual anti-nuke demonstration on the 25th and the Oktoberfest beginning in a few days reminds me of the time we spent living on base.

While reading in the lobby of the Family Services Center a few days ago, I heard "Attention on deck!" and two young sailors snapped out of their seats. An Admiral strolled by and said "as you were". It was like watching JAG (the tv show). So there are still some experiences I've yet to have.
On Sunday Allan played golf. He shot a 43 and 45. He is very proud. Since we'll be diving the Great Barrier Reef in a few weeks, I opted not to play. Three things irritate my right elbow, ironing, vacuuming and golf. I had given myself a lifetime pass on the first two, and I might have maintained it if I didn't mind looking like I slept in my clothes. !*%@*#&?!>
If my arm gets sore, it can last a month or more, and Australia is too big a deal to take the chance. There'll always be more golf.

I recently decided I needed to visit Miura Anjin Park. Read on... you'll see why. Our friend Mark was to take me, but several tries didn't pan out. Yesterday I took the train to Anjinzuka and was given a map by the station attendant that couldn't have been less helpful. I stopped at a Koban (police box) and was pointed west (I think).
Knowing the park is at a high point, I walked up every hill and set of steps I saw. After an hour and several helpful passers-by, I was ready to head back when I saw a gentleman strolling, so WTH, I gave it one more try. He walked a short way, then pointed to a long set of steps (of course). With my final trudge, I fulfilled my quest! See below...

Direct from Lizipedia: If you've read Shogun, or seen the mini-series starring Richard Chamberlain, you might already know that the main character (Blackthorne) is based on a british sailor named William Adams who landed in Japan four hundred years ago.
The ship Liefde, was in distress when it arrived in Kyushi. The crew was taken by the local Shogun, who was interested in Adams. He'd learned to build ships in his younger days, so the Shogun sent him to the Miura Peninsula (where we currently reside) to build ships. He became wealthy from trading with the Dutch and Chinese. He stayed in Japan, even married a Japanese woman.
He was given the name Miura Anjin (anjin means pilot). He died in Hirado close to Nagasaki, but a bone fragment from his body and that of his wife, Oyuki are buried overlooking Tokyo Bay. The Japanese word for grave is zuka, and the village that grew up around the site is called Anjinzuka. It's about 3 km from our house.
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