You've heard about Gene Russell by now. He's an industrial hygienist who shares an office with Allan. He and his wife, Raeni have seven children, Ryan is away at college, Noah stayed home to study, and the youngest five joined us for our outing to Kamakura.

Here are Gabe, Allan and Gene on the path to the shrine. We didn't actually enter the shrine. Allan and I have been there twice and haven't gone inside. Although the sakura are only in bloom for about two weeks, it is a major event in Japan. So this walking path was the main event for us on this day.And here is Ben on the same lane. Once we reached the shrine, we headed down the shopping & eating street. Remember, the Japanese are not big on naming their streets, so I just call this one the Kamakura shopping & eating street. We had great Japanese food (is there any other kind?) Then we headed back to the Russell home. They actually live in two adjoined apartments, one is sort of headquarters, where Mom, Dad and the younger kids sleep and the family is home schooled. The other is the recreation center, where the older boys live, and have every electronic device known to mankind. I'm thinking that Dad gets the toys for himself, but shares with the kids. The family lived in Italy at one time and Raeni (Mom) made homemade pizza dough, and we had pizza. But before dinner, the men played RISK (the Lord of the Rings version).
Becca, Boaz and Elijah in Kamakura
If you're browsing anywhere in Japan, there are usually some ladies in kimono. I still enjoy seeing these ladies around, not that I forget I'm in Japan, but it's nice to see these beautiful robes.
The weather was terrific for our outing, but the following days were wet and cold. One day, I'm cold, so the next day I wear a jacket and it gets warm. Then I dress warmly and it's cold and wet. I never know what to wear. In Florida, we say "Don't like the weather? wait ten minutes". Here it's "I'm always dressed for yesterday".
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