What the heck? CONUS - that's DODspeak for CONtinental United States. Allan had to go for training, so he spent the weekend prior with Richard and Laura, who threw one of there amazing bashes. Bill and Elaine, Jeff and Cindy, Rachel and Marc and a mob of other friends and family visited.
Three days after Allan left, I had a 28 hour journey from my house to the Ferraro's, but managed to get out of bed the next afternoon and hit the road to Merritt Island. A few days later, Debbie Herman had an open house so I could see friends from Lakeland, and I might have convinced a few to come see Japan.
Chris Ferraro gave me a Macy's giftcard for my birthday, but wasn't able to come and help me spend it, so Jean stepped in. What are friends for? Andy & Jean gave me a birthday party and my birthday request, which was chili and cornbread. I rarely get it, because Allan doesn't like either item (so Andy made him a BURGER).

Open House - Diane, Deanna, Vicki, Lizzy, Debbie, Raisa
We spent the first night of Passover at our usual place, with the Lebowitz's in Tampa. The following day we had lunch with Henry Schreiber and Allan's brother, David who drove from Key West.
It was a whirlwind (or was it a tornado?) from which I am still recovering. I flew into Orlando, spent most of my nights with Bruno and Chris Ferraro. It was great to see Joey and Sam again. They both look good and seem happy, so I feel good about that.
We returned to Japan on April 3rd. We flew separately, as I bought my ticket and the Dept. of Defense bought Allan's. His flight arrived 2 hrs. after mine. We missed dinner the first three nights, because we fell asleep before we could prepare or eat it.
We weren't ready to get back to our schedule, but 'Come Monday' (to quote Jimmy Buffet), we both had work to do. It will take about 5 days to adjust to the time change (I hope).
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