Yesterday, my Tuesday English group took a fieldtrip to Tokyo to see the Kabuki Theatre building which will be torn down soon and replaced with a new structure. Kabuki is the traditional Japanese stage performance using only male actors.
Our first stop in Tokyo was a demonstration of block printing (ukioye). Using a series of carved blocks, a picture is created. Paint is applied to the block, then a paper is laid over it and the paint transfers when the page is rubbed.
We did some window shopping, including Mikimoto. Do you recognize that name? Think naturals pearls - very expensive natural pearls.
Fortunately, since they were so large, each had a small poster showing what it looked like, electric cars, recycling, save the earth, environmental stuff.
Finally, we got to the Hama-rikyu Garden. Toshiko fixed me up with an English language audio guide (the brochure called it a 'ubiquitous communicator') and we walked some more. Below is a three-hundred year old pine tree. It has 'tree crutches' to hold up the branches.
Today, I went to the mess (dining room) for ribeye steak and lobster tail. It was 'Spouse Appreciation Day' and my friend Chris' husband Randy Christ stood in for my spouse. The lunch, including baked potato, salad, soup, drink and dessert was $4.25 (can't beat that with a stick).
Tonight is dinner out with our Friday night group. Allan is not with us, so we are having Indian food (he doesn't like curry, so this is a good time to get some).