I have a very intellectual blog following, a high powered attorney and two calculus geniuses. And you!
Well, let's start with sites, then we'll talk about sounds and smells.
Remember we arrived in Japan on Rosh Hashanah, so we went to services. We haven't missed a Friday night since (we have dinner out at a different restaurant every week). Our lay leader went to the states for Thanksgiving, so Allan and I hosted services and dinner on Nov. 27. As always, one person is behind the camera (that would be Mark). Seated are Hiromi, Allan, Liz and Shayna.
Here's a sight I never saw in the states, Allan is changing the oil and filter on our car. There is an auto hobby shop on the base, so anyone can work on his/her own car. It cost $3 for Allan to work this day.
Did I tell you about the trash? We take it out every day. Kitchen trash and paper on Monday, cans and bottles on Tuesday, soft plastic and recycling on Wednesday, and so on...
The cardboard boxes, newspapers and magazines that make up the recyclables are tied with plastic cord.
I drive Allan to the base most mornings. This sign tells us which lane to get into to pass by the guard gate.
This is a grocery store item. We eat alot of raw fish around here. This package has tuna, salmon, whitefish, eel, salmon roe and sweet omelet (really) over rice.
Yes, I stopped these guys and asked if I could take their photo. So call me a tourist.
This is where worshippers put incense. Kinda like lighting a candle for Catholics. At shrines, people drop money in a large container and pull on long cords to ring overhead bells.
These little guys are at a shrine in Kamakura. I'm not sure if they're symbolic of something or not, they're just cute.
Here's the dollar store, although with the current exchange rate, it's more like the $1.25 store.
If you're looking for Nirvana, it's in Japan. It's an Indian restaurant on Blue Street.
Public transportation is efficient and well run. The passes are interchangeable for buses, JR (Japan Rail), and several private rail lines. I will be taking the train to teach English in Kawasaki.
And here we are, sitting on mats on the floor in a ramen restaurant.
So there are a few sights. To enjoy sounds and smells, just get yourself a ticket and join us for some Asian experiences. See you soon.
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